Thursday, 7 August 2008

I met Maria Bourke again yesterday to talk about how we might work together...

You all know I have a thing about health, discipline and effectiveness. Well, Maria leads an organisation called 'Lets Get Healthy' and we are working to develop two pilot programmes here in Leeds:
1. A schools pilot to tackle childhood and family inactivity and obesity;
2. A schools/Education Leeds 'health and well-being' pilot.

Maria's energy and enthusiasm is fantastic and I hope that we can get things going next term. As always we just need to find the resources!
Exciting times.

Wednesday, 6 August 2008

My colleague Rosie Denison talked to me about a project the school meals team have been working on...
They have been developing a packed lunch policy and have involved young people through Youth on Health. These photos capture some of the magic...