Wednesday, 21 February 2007

I visited another wonderful school today...

I went to Beeston primary School where Bobbie Syrett and her colleagues are doing brilliant things. The visit started with pancakes... they don't go in for things in a small way at Beeston primary of Bobbie's colleagues was cooking around 400 pancakes... and mine was great! The school is an oasis of the arts, nurturing talent and imagination and releasing a very special Beeston magic. I met Grace, an amazing young woman, who Bobbie tells me is simply one of many fantastic young people at Beeston Primary School. Grace had written to me about Smartboards... asking why they didn't have a Smartboard in every classroom... she was articulate, polite, bright and incredibly talented. As we moved on round the school, some of Bobbie's learning team also asked why the school still had so many poor temporary classrooms and Bobbie asked why they still had outside toilets. The answers of course are that we simply don't spend enough on education in this country... it isn't a high enough priority... but there must be a way!

What is really amazing about Beeston Primary School is the team Bobbie has put together. One talented, brilliant, gorgeous and wonderful colleague I met has come from classroom assistant via a Foundation Degree to become a teacher... juggling work, family and the course on the way. Quite simply brilliant but that's Beeston Primary School and Bobbie Syrett for you!

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