Friday, 19 October 2007

We can all make a real difference but we must always remember that actions speak louder than words. Whether it is the 14 – 19 agenda or the new inclusion strategy or our work with looked after children; hard times and tough issues require bold ideas, big ideas, brilliant ideas. But while ideas are incredibly important the thing that really matters is action, and the impact and the outcomes we achieve. So don’t just talk about our brilliant ideas.. start now.. don’t wait for permission.. find an excuse and do something.. do anything.. but get going. The important thing is that we do something, do anything, risk anything, try anything to make that difference. And occasionally of course we will make mistakes, get things wrong and sometimes muck things up big time.. but always driven by a genuine and passionate desire to make a difference for children and young people and our schools.

We must all break down the walls and the barriers which limit creativity and stubbornly maintain the status quo and limit our opportunities to make that step change in outcomes. We must build on the real excellence in the system and challenge the systems and hierarchies that nourish and perpetuate the irrelevant, the second rate and the obsolete.

So, what have you done in the last the last two the last damn cut out the rubbish, to knock down the walls, to focus on the things that really matter and to do the things that will really make a difference!

We can all make a real difference, so what is holding you back…
…just do it!

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