Tuesday, 30 June 2009

The Leeds TreeAthlon 2009

Councillor John Procter, Executive Member for Leisure, sent me this e-mail...

"The third Leeds TreeAthlon will be held at Temple Newsam Park on Sunday 27th September this year. It would be fantastic if you could get involved in the event in some way this year - by either participating in the 5k run, or by sponsoring somebody who is taking part. The event last year grew to 500 runners from the 200 in 2007, and as a result of the efforts of these people over the last two years, Leeds has received almost £60,000 worth of funds for trees and has planted 17,000 trees. Can you imagine the difference this has made to our environment ? Trees alleviate the effects of pollution and flooding and also help reduce temperatures particularly in city centres. In terms of reducing carbon footprints and putting something back into the environment, there is nothing better than planting trees.

So please, log onto www.tree-athlon.org and see how you can help by participating in this years event. If you can't participate then see how you can help the Trees for Cities charity by making a regular donation to them - you can visit their website www.treesforcities.org Manchester held their first TreeAthlon last year and managed to get 500 runners! We must make our third TreeAthlon extra special with 1000 runners so please start joining up! Best wishes, JOHN."

This is an amazing event and enables us to hit two of our biggest issues at the same time; increasing activity and tackling obesity and helping the environment. I hope every school in Leeds will take part alongside colleagues from Education Leeds and ensure that the event is a brilliant success.

Anything Manchester can do we can do better!


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