Wednesday, 14 October 2009

I moved on to the Council's Executive Board who were considering a number of important papers...

The Board looked at expanding primary provision to meet the needs of the growing population in the inner areas of the city and agreed to consult on proposals relating to fifteen primary schools. They also considered the consultation on the further development of Special Educational Needs provision building on the real successes we have had with the SILCs, the PRUs, the partnership bases and the resourced provision. The Board highlighted in particular the need to focus on improving behavioural provision across the city.

The Board also looked at a report analysing the latest admissions round which highlighted the slight drop in first preferences due in primary to the increase in reception numbers and due in secondary to the reduction in provision due to school closures. The main report focussed on our response to the National Challenge where we were recommending consultation on proposals to close City of Leeds, Parklands and Primrose High Schools and replace them with two Acadenies and a 14 - 19 Centre.

All the reports were approved and we are now planning a major consultation exercise to gather opinions and shape the final proposals which will come back to the Executive Board after Christmas.

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