Thursday, 15 October 2009

My colleague Rosie Molinari, our School Meals Strategy Adviser, sent me this e-mail today...

"Hello Chris, students from Mount St Mary's have developed a range of films that aim to raise the importance of free school meals and most important make them normal and to prevent children/parents feeling uncomfortable about taking them. The students designed and presented 11 ideas - all were brilliant - of which only 4 were selected ( some a mix of 2 or more ideas). They will each make a 30 minute advertisement promoting free school meals. Two will be animated and 2 real. The filming will be on the 20th November - and together - we hope to launch the film at start of term in January 2010. The film will be available nationally on all Life Channel TV schools and Doctors surgery - the call to action for each film strip will encourage pupils/ families to contact their school to learn more about school meals. We aim to develop lesson plans to support the films in PSHCE. We are also producing 300 DVD's which will have the film and lesson plans so that all schools in Leeds have access to the film. The NHS-Leeds child hood obesity team are also working with me on this programme. This is a unique film by students for students addressing health inequalities by dealing with food poverty. Thanks Rosie."

This is a brilliant initiaitive to promote healthy eating and free school meal uptake. Our best ambassadors are our young people and it is wonderful to hear about things like this.

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