Thursday, 15 October 2009

My colleague Clare Price who is Head of Arts Development at Artforms sent me this after I missed her 'Drawing across the Curriculum' launch event on Wednesday...

"Hi Chris, In amidst all the difficulties you are dealing with currently - I wanted to give you some good news and let you know the Drawing event yesterday at the gallery was a fantastic success. We had great feedback from the teachers who attended and everyone left feeling inspired, it was a very enjoyable day. I hope we begin to see an explosion of drawing across Leeds schools! That's all for now - take care. Best wishes Clare."

Clare and her colleagues do a brilliant job promoting and developing the arts and the booklet they have produced with the National Campaign for Drawing is wonderful based on 15 case studies where artists worked with schools here in Leeds. The booklet will be sent to all Leeds schools as part of this fantastic project. It's great to know that the arts are alive and well here in Leeds.


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