Thursday 24 May 2007

It's another half-term and everyone I meet is so tired. A bit like the footballers who played in the Cup Final this year...

I am really lucky, my life is brilliant and there is never a dull day because I am constantly setting new goals, accepting new challenges, meeting new people and focusing on what I still need to do here in Leeds. Remember that there is a real danger that we all look forward so much to the end of something; a half-term, a term or a career and set that as our goal... only to find that when we get there we are totally exhausted, because we have achieved our goal and there is nothing to look forward to, nothing to work for or to get the energy levels up.

Lou Tice got it right ,we must constantly set ourselves new goals, things that will keep our energy levels up and enable us to enjoy the break, our work or our retirement. So what are your goals for half-term and for the week after half-term... remember to refresh, recharge, read, relax and take care. See you after half-term for the next set of challenges and the opportunities that lie ahead.

"Set the goal and invent the way;
Set the goal and make it happen;
Set the goal and change the world."

Keep the faith.

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