Monday 9 July 2007

I went on to the launch of the Leeds Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education...

We are building brilliant learning places where all our young people can be happy, healthy, safe and increasingly successful. The Agreed Syllabus has been revised following consultations with our schools an sets out a clear and relevant rationale for religious education and the contribution it makes to wider learning. The Syllabus embeds the knowledge, skills, understanding and themes from the National Framework for Religious Education in a new and powerful local document that actively promotes truth, justice, respect and care.

Speakers at the event included Cllr Peter Harrand, Chair of SACRE, The Deputy Lord Mayor, Cllr Reverend Alan Taylor and Liz Guild our SACRE consultant. The Syllabus reflects our ongoing commitment to equality, inclusion and community cohesion and seeks to break down barriers, tackle prejudice and provide opportunities for young people to learn about, and listen to, and learn to respect people from a variety of faiths. This agenda is probably more important than ever before and I hope all our schools will use the new Agreed Syllabus to help them shape this vitally important aspect of their provision.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your new syllabus.
Some questions?
Is there a humanist representative on Leeds SACRE?
When you say "...learn about, and listen to, and learn to respect people from a variety of faiths." is it made clear in the syllabus, that the word "faith" is to be understood in a way so as to include theistic and non-theistic religions as well as non-religious life-stances, such as Humanism.

Best wishes
Josh Kutchinsky
Humanist representative (and ex-Chair) of the London Borough of Brent SACRE

Chris Edwards said...

Hi Josh,
Yes there is a humanist representative in attendance at our SACRE and it is made clear in the syllabus, that the word "faith" is to be understood in a way so as to include theistic and non-theistic religions as well as non-religious life-stances, such as Humanism.