Sunday 12 July 2009

I received another message from Helen Davies about singing...

"Hi again Chris, Just read your blog this morning - if you've time there are some books on this subject. Musicophilia by Oliver Sacks is brilliant. The Sounding Symbol by George Odam. Music in the School by Janet Mills and another one about learning The Child Is The Father of Man by John Abbot is very interesting. Like you say all the sort of things you've known all along really but now clarified and backed by scientific evidence. Incidently, MRI scans have show that when listening to music nearly every part of the brain is lit up! One of the best reports I have read is by the Performing Right Society -
Had our school summer fayre yesterday it was fantastic - all parents and families, staff, children and ex pupils in Calverley park, pulling together for benefit of the school. All the best Chris, Helen."

I certainly work with some intelligent and well-read colleagues who really understand why singing is such a vital part of brilliant provision. Plenty to read over the Summer. Thanks Helen.

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