Saturday 11 July 2009

After receiving Helen Davies' e-mail I checked the research about singing and intelligence and well-being...

There’s a huge amount of evidence now from all over the world that singing improves the intelligence and wellbeing of children; it actually helps your brain work better. A lot of research clearly shows that the brain is much more complex than we thought it was and that particularly for young children, when their brains are developing, music and singing in particular actually helps your brain wire better, helps your memory work better and simply makes you feel good.

The best schools, the best learning places; places where brilliant learning thrives and children do best at literacy, numeracy and develop wonderful personal learning skills are very often places where there is lots of singing going on and lots of music and arts activity. There's no question about it, and it's what I've known for many years, the arts are one of the keys to releasing the magic in our little learners. So it's 'every child a singer' now!

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