Monday 30 November 2009

This afternoon Ros Vahey, Dirk Gilleard and I met with Margaret Farrow HMI...

Margaret was interviewing us about our contribution to safeguarding and the educational outcomes of our looked after children. Ros, Dirk and I talked about the universal offer we make here in Leeds and its' critical importance to safeguarding. We looked at the range of targeted and focused initiatives we have developed from 'The Power of Me', 'Gypsy Roma Traveller History Month', the 'Stephen Lawrence Education Standard', the 'Inclusion Chartermark', 'Investors in Pupils', Leeds Healthy Schools, 'Stepping Stones', 'Leeds Mentoring' and the 'Virtual School for Looked After Children'.

We also talked about the outcomes we have achieved including a 10% increase for looked after children at the end of Key Stage 2 and a significant improvement for our looked after children at the end of Key Stage 4. We have also seen improvements in attendance and reductions in fixed term exclusions and feedback from our young people indicates that bullying is being reduced and tackled here in Leeds.

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