Thursday 18 March 2010

I started the day early having breakfast with the EPOS Family of Schools headteachers at Boston Spa School...

This was a great group of colleagues and it would be very interesting to add up the years of experience in the room and we must ensure that the Council builds on their understanding of, and insights into, the real issues we are facing as we move forward to create a new children's services directorate. We agreed that, over the next few months, we must maintain the focus on quality, standards and outcomes while we continue to nurture passion, enthusiasm, determination, persistence and patience across the children's services workforce. We talked about the importance of confident, self-critical and reflective practitioners who understood the learning process and were working imaginatively and positively with colleagues from Social Care, Health and the voluntary sector to 'Think Family' and to build powerful and sustainable communities. We talked about confident, passionate and dynamic leaders who had a clear view of what was needed to drive change and achieve that step change in outcomes we all want to see.

It was a brilliant start to the day with some great colleagues and we need to do more of this; to talk more, to share more, to network more and to celebrate more as we build the future together. It's great to talk.


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