Tuesday 9 March 2010

I started the day yesterday with my colleague Sue Davies who is Head of Learning and Audience Development at Leeds Museums and Galleries...

We were talking about how we could work closer together and use the wonderful resources in the museums and galleries in the city, more creatively and imaginatively, to inspire children and young people. It was very useful to be able to talk to Sue about ways in which museums might work more closely with schools and Education Leeds. Sue agreed to send me copies of Leeds Museums & Galleries' schools brochure and some of the teachers' packs they produce. Sue also told me about Langley Academy and the museum agenda they have developed that is integral to the school's philosophy and approach. Sue wanted to talk to us about the main primary and secondary school curriculum changes and how they will affect schools.

Sue also asked me to recommend some schools she could approach to include in a museums' exhibition project she is hoping to develop. If anyone is intetested in working with the museums on initiatives linked to the new curriculum please let me know and I'll put you in touch with Sue.

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