Monday 6 September 2010


"Time is the coin of your life. It is the only coin you have,
and only you can determine how it will be spent.

Be careful lest you let other people spend it for you."

Carl Sandburg

We all know that if we want to build brilliant provision and a culture of real excellence; to create passionate learning in brilliant learning places, we must continue to develop personalisation, ownership, engagement, coaching and trust. We must also create a more inspiring, professional and powerful approach to leadership which will drive strategic planning, commissioning and drive up standards.

We must work with our colleagues, our young people and our families to develop high self-esteem and belief. We must get them to help us shape and focus the offer and to engage them as passionate learners.

We have to understand and believe that intelligence is hugely and richly diverse and that everyone is intelligent and it is simply our job as educators to find it! We have to develop three things in our children, our young people, our families, our communities and our workforce:

  • creativity
  • capability
  • confidence

We also need to develop real partnerships and get everyone to understand that this is a community enterprise, a social enterprise and an incredible opportunity. As Dirk would say we must focus on developing a more vivid, more personal, more engaging, more stimulating provision and practice.

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