Monday 10 September 2007

Have you seen any great films recently?

Over the Summer I saw The Simpsons Movie and The Bourne Ultimatum which the reviews made you believe that here were two great films. I thought they were both good films but neither were great films… the Simpsons film had some really good bits and made me laugh and the Bourne film was really fast and engaging but, to be honest, the camera shots when action speeded up made me travel sick.

Over the weekend I saw ‘Atonement’, which again has had outstanding reviews. Again, I would say a film worth watching but not a great film.

So, let me know if you have seen any great films recently.

1 comment:

Oaf said...

What Ho! Chris.
The Oaf returns from his Summer jollies.

Whilst perusing your most edifying blog, I read with interest films you have seen over the summer.
I fully agree with you about over hype with films - everything is apparently the best film ever.

The Radio Times is a good arbiter of taste for the more refined gentlemen (and ladies) and should also provide succour for those in need of moral refreshment.

I have just currently watched 'Ghandi' again. I know it is an older film and a bit light on comic relief and double entendres but still....

Remember, it is not always the inspirational quotes at the top of your page that enlighten. Those that lift the heart are equally valid.

Perhaps 'Turned out nice again' (George Formby) or 'Its good but its not right' (Roy Walker on Catch Phrase) could be added.
