Tuesday 14 October 2008

CALLING ALL SECONDARY SCHOOLS: Connecting Key Stage 3 Classrooms with East Asia

Gareth Mills, Head of Curriculum Development and Implementation at QCA and Vicky Gough Advisor, World Links at the British Council are looking for secondary schools to get involved in this programme...

"Hi Chris, We would like to invite you to participate in a new opportunity for Local Authority/cluster partnerships with schools in the East Asia Region (South Korea, Vietnam, Malaysia, Indonesia, Taiwan, Thailand and Japan). This Programme has been developed and will be funded by the British Council. The QCA (and equivalents in NI and Wales) along with curriculum experts from the other participating countries were also involved in the development of this programme to ensure that the ensuing projects can build into the new KS3 curriculum in England as well as the curricula of the other participating countries.

This programme has been developed to reflect the growing importance of the global dimension in the curriculum. Issues of global significance are brought into our lives in a way that they never were for previous generations. Global media and communications, travel and immigration mean that we now have much more exposure to people and cultures from many different parts of the world. This provides a tremendous range of positive opportunities to broaden young people’s experience and knowledge. At the same time, issues of poverty, inequality, conflict, and economic and environmental damage present major challenges for society. Education for the global dimension and sustainable development helps young people to appreciate these challenges and opportunities and to recognise their responsibilities as members of a global community.

This new programme will involve 1 Local Authority or equivalent (a group of at least 10 schools) forming a partnership with two regions from different countries in the E Asian region.
The partnerships (at least initially) will not be school to school but area to area. At least 10 secondary schools (KS3) per LA/Cluster need to be involved. The partnerships will be represented by three participants at a contact seminar, where the partnerships will be formed and the joint projects agreed. We suggest that the three participants include someone from the Local Authority, one Headteacher and one teacher (from separate schools). At least one of these representatives needs to have ICT expertise or knowledge.

Partnerships will carry out joint projects around one or more of the following themes which were agreed as relevant by all the curriculum experts; Enterprise, Tomorrow’s World, Science and Invention, Climate Change, Sports and Health. Issues to do with Global Citizenship will be included in all the projects. If you have an existing partnership with a school or Authority in the region, it may be possible to include them in this initiative if they have applied to take part in their own county.

The British Council will provide; An online platform to carry out the project and some training on how to use that platform at the contact seminar. A project framework and regular additions of materials related to the themes to the on-line platform. 3 funded places per participating Authority or cluster to attend a contact seminar A grant of £1000 per annum to each participating region to cover costs relating to the administration of the project within the UK and the costs of at least one meeting per term for all ten schools. International student and teacher conferences in year 3 of the programme.

If you would be interested in participating or if you have any questions or comments please contact Andrew Vivian
andrew.vivian@britishcouncil.org or Kate Elders (kate.elders@britishcouncil.org) at the British Council. Best wishes, Gareth and Vicky"

This is an interesting project and a wonderful opportunity to connect.


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